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Duration 9 h 23 m 59 s


$ 6 Buy now

About Course

Good job on landing here, on this no-code development course!

You can check out the full curriculum below :)

I think you're going to like this course; because in the development space, there is a steep learning curve. Many of us don't need to waste our time with that.

I'm not one to make you sit through theoretical lectures.

I'm a no-code developer who is good at helping people to learn by building...

So much so, that I created this no-code development course.

As the creator of this course (and Command Codeless),I've built numerous products far more cost-effectively and quicker than it would take someone to 'code' them.

Now the chances are...

You've tried software development, but you're not happy with your progress.

To put it simply, you're not following the path of least resistance!

You don't need to join this course, but if you're like many others, there's a strong chance you want to be able to build products without a technical partner.

I promise that if you take the time, you'll walk away from this course understanding how to build websites, mobile apps, and software quicker than it would take you to learn how to code. You will grasp many of the programming concepts faster via this no-code course.

Course content

video1. Welcome2 m 2 s Start
video2. Resources Start
video1. Introduction Start
video2. What Is No-Code3 m 53 s Start
video3. No-Code Stacks1 m 31 s Start
video1. Introduction2 m 27 s Start
video2. Project resources Start
video3. Initial Scraper Setup2 m 8 s Start
video4. Defining Our Data2 m 5 s Start
video5. Using Our Scraped Data1 m 20 s Start
video1. Introduction3 m 39 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Initial Setup5 m 30 s Start
video4. Filtering Data5 m Start
video5. Numerical Formatting1 m 13 s Start
video6. Exporting Data1 m 47 s Start
video7. Publishing2 m 7 s Start
video1. Introduction2 m 14 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Connecting Google Sheets2 m 14 s Start
video4. Connecting Twitter3 m 14 s Start
video5. Publishing1 m 26 s Start
video1. Introduction1 m 45 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Connecting Slack (Part One)2 m 22 s Start
video4. Conditional & Helper Functions3 m 55 s Start
video5. Connecting Giphy1 m 32 s Start
video6. Connecting Slack (Part Two)5 m Start
video7. Publishing1 m 44 s Start
video1. Introduction5 m 17 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Sourcing Our Data5 m 8 s Start
video4. Uploading Our Data4 m 33 s Start
video5. Working With Our Data5 m 22 s Start
video1. Introduction3 m 6 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Creating Our Dataset5 m 52 s Start
video4. Initial App Setup3 m 44 s Start
video5. Voice App Launch3 m 28 s Start
video6. Calling Our Dataset14 m 20 s Start
video7. Voice App End3 m 8 s Start
video8 .Prototyping Our Voice App2 m 9 s Start
video9. Publishing4 m 49 s Start
video1. Introduction2 m 27 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. File Setup3 m 1 s Start
video4. Website Image2 m 6 s Start
video5. Logo2 m 38 s Start
video6. Body Copy7 m 9 s Start
video7. Subscribe Form11 m Start
video8. Profile Image6 m 2 s Start
video9. Proportions1 m 32 s Start
video10. Final Words1 m 26 s Start
video1. Introduction1 m 46 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Adding Our Elements14 m 16 s Start
video4. Styling Our Website Image5 m 54 s Start
video5. Styling Our Logo4 m 1 s Start
video6. Styling Our Body Copy5 m 28 s Start
video7. Styling Our Subscribe Form10 m 42 s Start
video8. Styling Our Profile Image5 m 17 s Start
video9. Connecting MailerLite2 m 55 s Start
video10. Publishing3 m 18 s Start
video1. Introduction1 m 52 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Populating Our Data4 m 58 s Start
video4. Initial Mobile App Setup1 m 59 s Start
video5. Designing The Start Page4 m 25 s Start
video6. Designing The Items Page6 m 37 s Start
video7. Other Mobile App Pages2 m 16 s Start
video8. Styling Our App4 m 34 s Start
video9. Publishing2 m 20 s Start
video1. Introduction1 m 58 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Creating Our Members Data12 m 21 s Start
video4. Initial Webflow Setup7 m 32 s Start
video5. Homepage Design26 m 49 s Start
video6. Members Only Page Design28 m 5 s Start
video7. Making Our Site Mobile Responsive11 m 33 s Start
video8. Creating The Membership Functionality9 m 36 s Start
video9. Connecting SendFox6 m 25 s Start
video10. Publishing10 m 17 s Start
video1. Introduction1 m 59 s Start
video2. Project Resources Start
video3. Downloading Buildbox2 m 10 s Start
video4. Game Framework Setup1 m 54 s Start
video5. Creating The Game's Ground4 m 43 s Start
video6. Creating The Game's Character2 m 31 s Start
video7. Creating Physics For The Actor & Ground2 m 23 s Start
video8. Adding Movement To The Actor2 m 49 s Start
video9. Adding A New Scene1 m 32 s Start
video10. Adjusting The Game's View1 m 3 s Start
video11. Creating The Game's Enemy4 m 53 s Start
video12. Add The Game Over UI2 m 38 s Start
video13. Designing The Game Over UI6 m 25 s Start
video14. Adding Movement To Our Actor5 m 7 s Start
video15. Editing The Enemies Collision Shape3 m 8 s Start
video16. Adding Points Into The Game3 m 39 s Start
video17. Publishing1 m 25 s Start
video1. Introduction Start
video2. Types Of No-Code Builder2 m 41 s Start
video3. Building Your No-Code Career1 m 55 s Start
video4. How To Do Email Outreach2 m 11 s Start
video1. Introduction Start
video2. Copywriting32 m 46 s Start
video3. Online Security3 m 45 s Start
video4. Escaping Tutorial Hell2 m 23 s Start
video1. Next Steps40 s Start
video1. Web Scraping With Simple Scraper3 m 6 s Start
video2. Web Crawling With Simple Scraper7 m 27 s Start
video3. Using A Cryptocurrency API With Parabola10 m 50 s Start
video4. Create A Stock Tracker With Google Sheets12 m 12 s Start
video5. Create A COVID Tracking Bot With Zapier.mp415 m 34 s Start
video6. Web Scraping For Content Insights With Simple Scraper6 m 14 s Start
video7. Create An SMS Bot In Zapier6 m 13 s Start
video8. Making Data Predictions With Obviously AI6 m 18 s Start
video9. Create A Journal In Notion13 m 45 s Start
video10. Scraping Financial Data With Simple Scraper10 m 25 s Start
video11. Scraping SERP Data With Simple Scraper12 m 57 s Start
video12. Automate Your Job Search With Zapier8 m 39 s Start


Course Instructor

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