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Duration 59 m 52 s


$ 6 Buy now

About Course

Asana is an awesome and very popular tool for project management. 

In this class, I'll take you through all the basic features of Asana step-by-step so you finish with a great overview of the features available to you.

I've used Asana extensively over the past few years, both when working full-time at an events company and remote for a consultancy, as well as now working several different freelance roles where I have clients using this tool. 

What will this course cover?

We'll review:

  • the five key areas of the Asana interface
  • how to create tasks
  • how to create projects
  • the difference between a workspace and an organization
  • how to add due dates to tasks and projects
  • how to assign ownership to tasks and projects

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at completing beginners to Asana. I want to help you get your first taste of this tool so that you feel very comfortable using it for personal, freelance, or full-time work projects right after watching the lectures.

This course is also useful for people who are already using Asana but have a feeling like they could be getting more from the tool, maybe they haven't had time to fully review all the features on offer. If this sounds like you, I'm sure you can pick up one or two tips from this course to share with your team.

Course content

videoWelcome2 m 5 s Start
videoUnderstanding the interface1 m 28 s Start
videoDeciding between a shared workspace or organization4 m 3 s Start
videoHow to set up a workspace & organization1 m 34 s Start
videoFirst impressions: Homepage, My Tasks & Inbox4 m 48 s Start
videoHow to quick-add a task1 m 17 s Start
videoTask ownership & due dates7 m 40 s Start
videoAdding comments & followers to tasks7 m 49 s Start
videoTask options: Attachments & Sub-tasks7 m 43 s Start
videoTask options: Add tasks to a project & Tags2 m 19 s Start
videoHow to create a project4 m 34 s Start
videoAdd team members to projects1 m 53 s Start
videoUsing the project calendar view3 m 52 s Start
videoProject progress, conversations & files3 m 5 s Start
videoUse sections to keep projects organized3 m 53 s Start
videoYour project1 m Start
videoConclusions & Next steps49 s Start


Course Instructor

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